EU Funding
Total Budget
France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Luxemburg and Ireland
Project summary
Industrial and business parks (IBPs) are highly sealed and especially vulnerable to overheating. They take up a decisive part of the North-West Europe settlement area and play a crucial role in increasing urban heat islands.
IB-Green (Industrial and Business Parks – climate resilient & fit for future) aims to make IBPs more climate-resilient by developing blue-green infrastructure. This will reduce heat stress and improve air quality in urban areas, leading to healthier living and working conditions. Further, negative climate effects for enterprises and municipalities will be reduced. IB-Green targets public authorities to transform existing industrial and business parks, but also to encourage companies to implement adaptation measures.
The project with 11 partners from 6 European countries (BE, DE, FR, IE, LU, NL) will last from March 2023 to February 2027 (47 months).

With support from:

Climate adaptation in business parks
Industrial and business parks contribute to heat stress in urban areas and are vulnerable to overheating. So far, their high potential for adaptation has often been neglected. On top, esepcially in existing business parks, technical and economic barriers prevent change.
IB-Green Partnership
11 project partners from 6 North-West Europe countries (BE, DE, FR, IE, LU, NL) are joing forces to work on IB-Green. They represent local authorities, business park managers, NGOs as well as regional and national organisations in the field of climate adaptation.
IB-Green Pilot Sites

IBP Overmaat-Rijkerswoerd
Municipality of Arnhem, NL
(c) Foto by Municipality of Arnhem

IBP Singen
Municipality of Singen (Hohentwiel), DE
(c) Foto by Municipality of Singen (Hohentwiel)

IBP Sandyford
Sandyford Business District, IE
(c) Foto by Sandyford Business District